Scientifically proven health benefits of listening to music..could that be that it’s time to drop mediations??read more..

Most times simpple things around us can be healing but we rarely recognize them.Listening to good music has been linked to many health benefits. Albert Einstein said”if… Read more “Scientifically proven health benefits of listening to music..could that be that it’s time to drop mediations??read more..”

Few tips on how to be happy in this season and always… No 4 is awesome.. 

1.Always remember the happy moments 
Master and appreciate those things that make you happy and do them the more. They could range from hanging out with friends, calling up old friends,taking photo snaps, listening to good music,dancing,motivating people and the list goes. 

2.Take your sleep serious

Insufficient sleep is a public health epidemic” according to CDC.Not having a good sleep can be harmful to your health,which may range from difficulty in making Decisions, depression,kidney problems,stroke,high blood pressure,  suicide and risky behaviors

Good sleep can repair your blood vessels. Atleast 7-8 hours of sleep a day is recommended for adults. 

3.hang in to positive thoughts

Train your mind to entertain positive thoughts only.Whenver you feel should always reflect in your thoughts. Positive thinking is as important as good sleep. Its more like approaching unfavorable moments in a positive and productive way. Thinking always that the best is going to happen not the worst. Positve thinking can help in the following way: 

  •  lower your level of stres
  • Increase your life span
  • Lower depression
  • Reduce risk of death from heart diseases
  • Help in better coping skils during hardship

4.Be kind to people

Kindness cost virtually nothing,rather it boasts your happiness.Initiate random acts of kindness without expecting anything in return.Its could be anything  from complimenting a colleague on a good job,visiting the sick, consoling the bereaved,encouraging a colleague.. Just anything kind. 


Act of gratitude can boost your happiness and health at large, it can increase your energy and level of optimism. Let people in your life know how grateful you are to have them and how much you appreciate them. 

You may make keep a daily journal of things that you are grateful for. That alone can bring a sense of pleasure to you.

Finaly you can always be happy if you choose to.. 



Center for disease control
